Award-winning Platform Trusted by Enterprises

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Evaluate Features of BFSI Apps Securely
with Data Science Capabilities

Leverage the HeadSpin Solution for Better Performance of BFSI Apps

Get Data and Device Security
Data and Device Security
Enable CI/CD Integration
CI/CD Integration
Leverage Global Testing
Global Testing
Monitor API Usage
API Usage Monitoring
Perform End-to-End Testing
End-to-End Testing
Automate Customer User JourneysAutomate Customer User Journeys
Automation of Customer User Journeys
Performance Regression
Leverage Biometric SDK
Biometric SDK
Monitor Cross-device Performance
Cross-device Performance Monitoring

How HeadSpin Adds Value to BFSI Applications

Increase TAM with improved customer experienceIncrease TAM with improved customer experience
Increase TAM by delivering the best customer experience through digital channels
Improve digital experienceImprove digital experience
Enhance digital experience to fulfill the requirements of digital natives
Ensure app security Ensure app security
Perfect digital experiences without compromising security
Accelerate QA process Accelerate QA process
Accelerate QA process and product release
Run thousands of tests parallelly at scale without worrying about device availability with our reliable global device infrastructure.
Leverage a reliable global device infrastructure

Enhance BFSI Applications' User Experience with HeadSpin's Unique Capabilities

Integrate CI/CD Pipeline to Automate Testing

Offer deep integration of the test session with the CI/CD concept of build
Support all open test frameworks
 Image showing HeadSpin’s integration into the user’s CI/CD pipeline

Leverage Data Science to Get Insights into Application Performance

Measure packet-level network data and device KPIs
Provide the time series view of all server interactions 
Image showing the testing results of apps through the HeadSpin Platform

Deliver Regression Insights at Scale Using HeadSpin's Regression Intelligence

Run build over build regression to find performance regressions 
Compare performance across networks to understand network dependencies
Image representing the working principle of HeadSpin’s Regression Intelligence

Access Test Data Easily Through Data Visualization Dashboards

Export test data to dashboard solutions or data lakes
Configure alerts and watchers for continuous monitoring of KPIs
 Image showing the dashboard of the HeadSpin Platform

Automate Biometric Test Cases with HeadSpin's Biometric SDK

Capture user experience that involves biometric authentication
Test facial recognition and fingerprint features (TouchID and FaceID)
 Image representing the testing of the fingerprint technology with HeadSpin

Leverage the SOC 2 Compliant Testing Platform 

Get access to a secured private network for testing requirements 
Maintain organization-level data bifurcation
Image representing security features of the HeadSpin Platform

Securely Test Financial Apps with FSQS Registered Certified Platform

HeadSpin's FSQS Registered certification from Hellios validates its compliance with industry regulations, highlighting its advanced capabilities in testing financial apps securely. This accreditation streamlines vendor management processes and assures potential financial services industry partners of HeadSpin’s commitment to high standards of compliance and risk management.
Run thousands of tests parallelly at scale without worrying about device availability with our reliable global device infrastructure.
Leverage a reliable global device infrastructure

Multiple Deployment Models Offered by HeadSpin for Banking Application Testing

Get flexible deployment featureGet flexible deployment feature
On-Prem (Client Premises)
Security Sensitive Deployment
Deploy into an isolated network managed entirely by the user
Location Sensitive Deployment
Gain the flexibility of deploying in specific locations
Test applications in global locationsTest applications in global locations
Cloud (Single Tenant)
General Application Analysis
Test normal application QA scenarios
Global Deployment
Analyze applications in global locations through local teams
Test applications on cloudTest applications on cloud
Cloud (Multi-Tenant)
Sporadic Testing Requirements
Test scenarios where the requirement for the platform is not known beforehand and is not time-sensitive
Device Independent Requirements
Test scenarios where users do not have specific demands on locations, devices, or telecom networks
Leverage reverse bridging for deep data insightsLeverage reverse bridging for deep data insights
Create Your Own Lab (Reverse Bridge)
Existing Device Infrastructure
Manage QA for users having their own devices already
Crowdsourced Testing
Perform tests across locations through distributed teams and get deep data and insights

HeadSpin's Happy Customers

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crozdesk quality choicecrozdesk quality choicecrozdesk quality choicecrozdesk quality choicecrozdesk quality choicecrozdesk quality choicecrozdesk quality choice

A Leading Digital Wallet Provider Uses HeadSpin’s Peer Benchmarking for Perfecting Digital Experiences

About the Customer
A global e-commerce organization with its own mobile wallet
Industry: Online payments
Employees: 1.2M+
The Objective
To improve its user experience to perform better than its competitors
To analyze application performance in real-world scenarios without depending on 3rd party services, such as banks and UPI
Our Solution
HeadSpin provided a solution to the company for anonymized peer benchmarking of 4 competitor apps
With the HeadSpin Platform, the company collected data points for KPIs decided by its product team
HeadSpin supported the company in testing and analyzing real-world scenarios involving payments, purchasing, and adding money to the wallet
Analyze comparative performance for applications
With the anonymized peer benchmarking feature, the company analyzed comparative performance for its application
Learn the impact of 3rd party services on user experience from data
The company studied the impact of 3rd party services on user experience from the data points collected from various sessions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Does HeadSpin’s banking testing solution offer the database replication feature?

Q2. What is web application pentest?

Q3. Does HeadSpin offer the Air-Gapped deployment option for its banking app testing solution?

Q4. What is transaction testing?

Q5. What is FSQS?

Q6. How does FSQS benefit buyers?

Get visibility into your user’s digital experience with HeadSpin