HeadSpin Documentation

Analysis Config API

The Analysis Config API offers the ability to customize the default analysis settings either at the session or org level.

Blocklisted Time Series & Issue Cards

For every session that you create on the platform, a set of time series and issue cards is produced by default and surfaced in the Waterfall UI. However, if you find any of the time series and/or issue cards irrelevant or otherwise not useful, you can opt out of them by blocklisting them either for a group of sessions or for all the sessions in the entire org. Listed below are the routes for querying, setting, or deleting the blocklisted time series and issue cards.

Method Route Notes
GET /v0/analysisconfig/blocklist Retrieve the blocklisted time series and issue cards for sessions or an org.
POST /v0/analysisconfig/blocklist Set the blocklisted time series and issue cards for sessions or an org.
DELETE /v0/analysisconfig/blocklist Delete the blocklisted time series and issue cards for sessions or an org.

Get Blocklisted Time Series & Issue Cards

To get the time series and issue cards that are blocklisted for your org, run:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/analysisconfig/blocklist 

Example Response

    "blocklisted_time_series_keys": ["impact", "impact_kde"],
    "blocklisted_issue_categories": ["High Battery Drain"]

To get the time series and issue cards that are blocklisted for sessions, provide the session ids to query as parameters, e.g.:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" "https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/analysisconfig/blocklist?session_id=77e61ea1-e4e6-470b-ad5b-766c0db1693a&session_id=63301398-9a45-48e4-83ea-0450ecbcd5c9" 

Example Response

    "77e61ea1-e4e6-470b-ad5b-766c0db1693a": {},
    "63301398-9a45-48e4-83ea-0450ecbcd5c9": {
        "blocklisted_time_series_keys": ["downsampling_index"],
        "blocklisted_issue_categories": ["Loading Animation"]

Set Blocklisted Time Series & Issue Cards

Setting the blocklist is available only to users with the necessary permission enabled by an administrator or HeadSpin contact. If you do not have the permission, contact us for assistance.

To set the blocklist for your org, provide the time series keys and/or issue categories to blocklist in the request body, e.g.:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/analysisconfig/blocklist  -d '{
    "time_series_keys": ["impact", "impact_kde"],
    "issue_categories": ["High Battery Drain"]

To set the blocklist for a group of sessions, provide the time series keys and/or issue categories to blocklist as well as the session ids in the request body, e.g.:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/analysisconfig/blocklist -d  '{
    "session_ids": ["77e61ea1-e4e6-470b-ad5b-766c0db1693a", "63301398-9a45-48e4-83ea-0450ecbcd5c9"],
    "time_series_keys": ["impact", "impact_kde", "downsampling_index"],
    "issue_categories": ["Loading Animation"]

Note that for sessions that have their own blocklists set, the session-specific blocklists always take precedence over the org-wide blocklist.

Delete Time Series & Issue Card Blocklists

Deleting the blocklist is available only to users with the necessary permission enabled by an administrator or HeadSpin contact. If you do not have the permission, contact us for assistance.

To delete the org-wide blocklist, which will unblock all time series and issue card analyses for the org, run:

curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/analysisconfig/blocklist 

To delete the session blocklists, which unblock all time series and issue card analyses for the sessions, provide the sessions ids as parameters, e.g.:

curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" "https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/analysisconfig/blocklist?session_id=77e61ea1-e4e6-470b-ad5b-766c0db1693a&session_id=63301398-9a45-48e4-83ea-0450ecbcd5c9" 

Note that once the session blocklists are deleted, the org-wide blocklist will apply (if one exists).

Get Time Series Keys

The time series keys can be retrieved for a given session via the Session API.

Get Issue Categories

The issue categories can be retrieved for a given session via the Session API.