HeadSpin Documentation

Team API

API Reference

List all teams

List devices assigned to all teams

List devices for a team

Add devices to a team

Remove devices from a team

List all teams

Route Method
/v0/teams GET


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" 'https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/teams' 


A JSON object in the form of <code class="dcode">{"teams": [...]}</code> that contains a list of teams. Example:

  "teams": [
      "team_name": "{team_name}",
      "team_id": "{team_id}"

List devices assigned to all teams

This will only list devices with team assignments. To list all available devices, please refer to the Basic Device API.

Route Method
/v0/teams/devices GET


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" 'https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/teams/devices' 


A JSON object in the form of <code class="dcode">{"devices": [{"device-address":[...], "teams":[...]}...]}</code> that contains a list of devices and their team assignments. Example:

  "devices": [
        "device_address": "{android-device-id}@{android-device-serial}",
        "teams": [{
            "team_id": "{team_id}",
            "team_name": "{team_name}"
        }, ...]

List devices for a team

Route Method
/v0/team/{team_id}/devices GET


curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/team/{team_id}/devices 


A JSON object in the form of <code class="decode">{"device_addresses":[...]}</code> containing a list of device addresses. Example:

  "device_addresses": [

Add devices to a team

Route Method
/v0/team/{team_id}/devices/add PATCH

Request Body

  • A JSON object in the form of <code class="dcode">{"device_addresses":[...]}</code> containing a list of devices to assign to the team.


curl -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/team/{team_id}/devices/add -d '{"device_addresses": ["{android-device-id}@{android-device-serial}", "{ios-device-id}@{hostname}"]}' 


A JSON object containing an array of devices added to the team. Example:

{"added_devices": [{"device_address": "{android-device-id}@{android-device-serial}"}, {"device_address": "{ios-device-id}@{hostname}"}]}

Remove devices from a team

Route Method
/v0/team/{team_id}/devices/remove DELETE

Request Body

  • A JSON object in the form of <code class="dcode">{"device_addresses":[...]}</code> containing a list of devices to remove from the team.`


curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_api_token>" https://api-dev.headspin.io/v0/team/{team_id}/devices/remove -d '{"device_addresses": ["{android-device-id}@{android-device-serial}", "{ios-device-id}@{hostname}"]}' 


A JSON object containing an array of devices removed from the team. Example:

{"removed_devices": [{"device_address": "{android-device-id}@{android-device-serial}"}, {"device_address": "{ios-device-id}@{hostname}"}]}